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"false"); 0 //开始加载 loadScript.load("tab", function(obj) { obj.ready = true; ea.update(); }) } }) //友情链接 ea.addMethods('friendLink', function($el) { function setWidth() { var _numData = $el.attr('data-friend-link-num'), _num = null; if (!_numData || _numData == "auto") { return false; } _num = _numData.split('-'); var _screenWidth = $(window).innerWidth(); function areaSense(width) { var _screen = [1200, 960, 720, 640, 0], stall = 0; $.each(_screen, function(index, item) { if (width >= item) { stall = item; return false; } }) return stall } var screenType = areaSense(_screenWidth); switch (screenType) { case 1200: var _itemWidth = 100 / _num[0]; break; case 960: var _itemWidth = 100 / _num[1]; break; case 720: var _itemWidth = 100 / _num[2]; break; case 640: var _itemWidth = 100 / _num[3]; break; case 0: var _itemWidth = 100 / _num[4]; break; } $el.find('.item').css('width', _itemWidth + '%'); } setWidth(); $el.closest('.edit-wrap').on('editResize', function() { setWidth(); }) }) //返回顶部 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_width; $el._opt = pack(_height, _width); _iframe.attr($el._opt); } }) }) //google地图 ea.addMethods("googleMapInit", function($el) { function initMap(lat, lng, markValue,types) { var myLatLng = { lat: lat, lng: lng }; var map = new google.maps.Map($el[0], { zoom: 12, center: myLatLng }); if(types == 'SATELLITE'){ map.setMapTypeId(google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE); }else if(types == 'HYBRID'){ map.setMapTypeId(google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID); }else{ map.setMapTypeId(google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP); } var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: myLatLng, map: map }); if($.trim(markValue)){ infowindow.setContent('
' + $.trim(markValue) + ''); infowindow.open(map, marker); } marker.addListener('click', function() { infowindow.open(map, marker); }); } //判断是否加载 var key = $el.attr("data-api"), title = $el.attr("data-mark"), lng = parseFloat($el.attr("data-mapx")), lat = parseFloat($el.attr("data-mapy")), types = $el.attr("data-type"); if (!key) { return false; } if (loadScript.isReady("googleMap")) { initMap(lat, lng, title , types); } else { $el.attr("data-eastatus", "false"); //开始加载 loadScript.load("googleMap", function(obj) { //等待地图加载,注册callback window.googleMapCallback = function() { obj.ready = true ea.update(); } }, key) } }) //搜索组件 ea.addMethods("searchInput", function($el) { $el.find('.select_box').on('mouseover',function(){ $(this).find('.son_ul').show(); }); $el.find('.select_box').on('mouseout',function(){ $(this).find('.son_ul').hide(); }); $el.find('.select_box .son_ul li').on('click',function(){ var searchType = $(this).attr('data-value'); $.each($el.find('http://s0.meetsite.com/style/myt/js/.search-keywords .keyw'),function (i,v) { if($(v).attr('data-type') == searchType){ $(v).show() }else{ $(v).hide(); } }) $el.find('.select_box span').html($(this).text()); $el.find('input[name="searchType"]').val(searchType); $el.find('.select_box .son_ul').hide(); }); var _dataPosition = $el.attr('data-position'); if(_dataPosition == 5){ $el.find('input[name="searchValue"]').on('focus click',function(event){ event.stopPropagation(); $el.find('.search-keywords').show(); }); $(document).on('click',function(){ $el.find('.search-keywords').hide(); }); } }) ea.init("j-ea-control"); //返回实例到全局环境 window.ea = ea; })